Emerald FX Logo

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Emerald FX Logo

EmeraldFX is where creativity meets quality… and our Custom Build products are a testament to the talent of our design team and the experience of our fiberglass engineers. No machine work, no milling-- everything we make is hand-made in the USA and is guaranteed to satisfy. Whether it’s your mascot, flume boat, or other themed product, we’re here to make it come to life… for a lifetime!


Hand carved and made to order, our Sculptures are the product of years of experience working with top-of-the-line fiberglass materials. Work with our team of experts to make your sculpture come to life with jaw-dropping detail and vibrant color… whatever you need, our team can deliver exactly what you need!

Cars & Carriages

From brand-new creations to every nuanced detail of touch-up and refinishing, The Soak Factory is your go-to solution for the maintenance and manufacturing of amusement park cars and carriages.

Boats & Rafts

Whether you’re building from scratch or restoring existing designs, The Soak Factory is expertly equipped to help bring your ride’s boats and rafts up to code and looking fantastic for many seasons of use ahead.

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